Sunday, January 25, 2009

Educon and FETC 2009

Two conferences (I wish I could have attended both of them!) just finished. 

The Educon Conference took place the last couple of days in Philadelphia.  You may wonder what Educon is... the quote below is from their wiki.
EduCon 2.1 is both a conversation and a conference.
And it is not a technology conference. It is an education conference. It is, hopefully, an innovation conference where we can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas -- from the very practical to the big dreams.

The opportunities for learning seem to be easiest/best for those who could attend in person, but people who could not make it can still participate and learn.  Many session descriptions, presentations, and handouts are posted for people to use at any time. 

Florida's big tech conference also just finished, FETC.  Resources are being posted at the FETC wiki.

Lots to learn!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dr. Martin Luther King

A half-century ago, when African Americans were denied the right to vote, sat at the back of the bus, drank from "colored only" water fountains and sent their children to substandard, segregated schools, brave Americans dreamed of a better nation. They were beaten and water-hosed and thrown into jail. Many were killed. Today is a national holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr., and the eve of the swearing in of the first African American president.  Excitement is in the air.  Below are some great lessons and activities that are available:

  • The New York Times educational division publishes daily lesson plans that are archived.  They are well done, with many extentions and options so that teachers can fit them to their unique classroom needs.  Check out the bank of lesson ideas here

  • Did you know that Google image search now includes a collection of Life Magazine images?  Click here to see the collection of MLK images.   I was going to include one with this blog post, but the copyright license is for personal use only. 

  • Several major news web sites will offer live streaming video and audio of the inauguration ceremony:

C-SPAN main streaming page.

CBS News

CNN Live page.

Fox News

NBC News through MSNBC

New York Times will be streaming the inauguration live.

Image  by Peter Prehn, Creative Commons license. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

MACUL Multi-Media Contest

Have your students created some outstanding technology integrated projects you want to share with others?  If so…

The Multimedia Special Interest Group (SIGMM) of MACUL is hosting its 2009 Multimedia Contest for Michigan students during the month of January & February.

Entries will be accepted in each of 3 categories:

  1. Digital Storytelling (Grades K-4), 

  2. Multimedia (Grades 5-8), 

  3. Enhanced Podcasting (Grades 9-12). 

Contest applications from sponsoring teachers are due between Jan. 5 and midnight Feb. 9, 2009; teachers may sponsor up to 3 entries.  Top 3 entries in each category will receive cash & professional book prizes.  For more information, go to:

Sponsored by MACUL SIG-MM and Linworth books

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Discovery Education Webinars

Some free and outstanding teacher professional development webinars are coming up soon.  Click here for dates/times and registration information. They will be worth your while!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

365 Random Photo Project

Some folks in my PLN (Professional Learning Network) encouraged me to join the 365 Random Photos Project, and I decided to do it.  I'll be taking one digital photo every day in 2009.  The photos will be random/ordinary objects.  I've created a new blog just for the project.  I've also joined the Flickr EdTech 365 group.  Together, we'll create a database of photos (with Creative Commons licenses) that can be used in digital videos and other projects.  Check out my new photo blog if you'd like!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Professional Goals for 2009

1. Write weekly blog posts, sharing ideas and ed tech tools.
2. Create and share short video tutorials on a regular basis (every other week). Topics such as: tips, web sites, Internet safety.
3. Visit all schools in my district at least once to work with teachers or offer professional development.
4. Create new video about the district laptop program to be shown at parent informational meetings.
5. Set weekly and daily goals. Find ways to spend more time on tasks that will make a difference.
6. Have an article published in an educational journal (actually, I know this will happen; an article I wrote will be in the March MACUL magazine).
7. Continue to lead the way in the effort to increase Project Based Learning in classrooms.
8. Find a way to get to NECC.
9. Double the number of teachers in my district using Moodle.
10. Read one book per month about leadership or educational technology.
11. Take/share a digital photo every day.