Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Google Bombing

googleInteresting idea..... google bombing. I have never heard of it until today. Tom Hoffman began the conversation in the ed tech blogging world. Read his post. The first Google entry for Martin Luther King is a racist, slanderous site run by a white supremacy organization. Search engines (ie google) rank websites based on how many other websites link to them. As a potential solution, he encourages others to link to reputable websites that we want our students going to as they learn about Martin Luther King. I'll do my part by linking to some good websites, as this is a good cause. I do have reservations about the idea... can google bombing be "discovered" by the hackers to do harm? Hmmm.

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King


  1. I really appreciate your efforts to get the hate group of Martin Luther King off of google's number one spot. I also do not believe that it should be in the spot where it is but should be available for learning purposes. Thank you for helping move this hate group's site down and bringing more useful sites back to the top.

  2. That's really pretty interesting that Google uses "linked to" as part of their ranking. I had always assumed it was determined by "relevance" or "popularity" in hits than in how many nutjobs want to share a link to it.

    Does remind me of an ancedote a speaker gave about how a student wrote a paper about the Holocaust based entirely on a single internet source: one that refuted it ever happened....

    "But if it's on the Internet, it has to be true, right?!?" :)
