Mark your calendar for an awesome day of learning: Wed., September 23, 2009. See schedule below and tune in when you can.
9 AM: Back to School Changes in DE
streaming 10 AM: A Day in the Life with DE
streaming 11 AM: Streaming the Solution: DE
streaming in the Math Classroom
12 PM: Supporting 21st Century Literacy with DE
streaming 1 PM: Back to School Changes in DE
streaming 2 PM: Dialing in the Digital Compass: DE
streaming with Social Studies
3 PM: Multimedia Einsteins: DE
streaming with Science
4 PM: Homework Gone Digital
5 PM: A Day in the Life with DE
streaming6 PM: Back to School Changes in DE
streaming 7 PM: Crunching the Numbers - Using the DE Admin Tools to Show Your Success
8 PM: The Discovery Educator Network 2009-2010
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