Sunday, September 18, 2016

Blog Challenge Week 2

Deep thinking or reflecting by carneiroblogbr
This week, we are asked to reflect on our role of being an edtech coach. Using technology was once viewed by many as an extra, something to use if time allowed. I am pleased that this thinking is almost completely gone now, at least in my district. Using technology is now thought of as something that is part of everyday learning routines. Therefore, I am able to support educators as they look for new ways to use technology to help students learn.

My edtech coaching toolkit is large. I pull out tools and techniques for those I work with based on instructional goals and educator experience. I share my toolkit in a variety of ways -- my instructional tech web site, Google Apps for Education PD Site, email newsletters, Twitter chats, FTF presentations, and working collaboratively with individuals and teams.

I work hard to keep learning and stay abreast of new edtech ideas and trends. This helps to keep my edtech coaching toolkit fresh and full! For example...I am a Certified Google Trainer. Just yesterday, I spent half a day taking a Google Educator course even though it was not "required" for re-certification. I picked up some new ideas and can share what I learned with other educators.

Being a part of the ISTE EdTech Coaches PLN pushes me to be the best that I can be. I joined the leadership team two years ago and enjoy the comradery; we are a small but powerful group! Planning events and learning opportunities for other edtech coaches helps me to not put off setting goals and priorities for myself.

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