Thursday, August 17, 2017

Excited for the New School Year

I have had a fantastic summer; lots of travel (northern Michigan and Tennessee), time in the water and on the golf course, and fun with family & friends. I've read many books; some for professional learning, some for fun. It's been relaxing and the down-time has done me good. I've had time to reflect on my important role of being an ed tech coach and set goals for the upcoming school year. I'm ready to go!

The Walled Lake Spice it Up Conference is one week from today! This is the 13th year, and an annual highlight for me. It's a ton of work to prepare for, but so worth it! I'm looking forward for Liz Kolb to join us as our keynote speaker. I read her book, Learning First, Technology Second, over the summer--loved it! There will be 54 breakout sessions throughout the day, so there is sure to be something for everyone. 

I plan to blog regularly throughout the year, as I'm participating in the ISTE Ed Tech Coaches PLN's Blogging Buddies project.  

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