The first web 2.0 usergroup meeting had to be rescheduled due to school being closed last week. The rescheduled meeting took place after school yesterday. I was pleased with the turnout - 45 people. I did a short presentation to answer the following questions: What is web 2 .0? Why study/explore web 2.0? What is the purpose of the usergroup? How much time will it take? When and where will we meet? During the presentation, I showed them my blog, bloglines,, flickr, and a wiki. I told them all about my own learning journey and how it allows me to reflect on my professional day-to-day activities, find resources, and connect with others.
By the end of the meeting, those that were there seemed to "get it" and the excitement in the room was evident. I recorded the meeting so that those who could not make the meeting could be kept in the loop in an easy way.
Smaller groups were established and a team leader was identified for each group. There are now 12 smaller groups and the rest of the meetings will be held in the schools to be most convenient for the teachers. The meeting topics were discussed and the teachers agreed that the plan is doable. Most cannot wait to get started.
I haven't been this enthusiastic about any professional development I've facilitated over the past several years. It looks like we're off to a great start. The word got out to other teachers today and more have decided to participate. My calendar is full and I am happy.
I appreciate the advice given to me as I planned for the usergroup from Beth Knittle, who has been doing something similar in her district.
Sounds like a great meeting. We are now starting up some wiki workshops, here teachers will set up some classroom wikis. I really like your idea of Web 2.0 user groups. I think that is something I may try to get going next year. To sustain those who began an exploration in Web 2.0 this year and to hopefully spark some more interest next year.