Thursday, May 17, 2007

Vista (and Office 2007), Here We Come!

winvista_v_web.jpgThere's no way to stop it.... Vista will be coming to Walled Lake come Fall. Due to our laptop program, supported by our parquick_vistaental community, we must make way for Vista. Since parents cannot purchase a laptop with Windows XP any more, we have no choice but to support Vista. I don't know of any other school districts who are supporting both operating systems next year, so I'm a bit nervous about this! I'm working on a plan to get ready - training for our computer resource teachers after school gets out in June, then training for the classroom teachers in August. My first goal is to obtain a computer that has the power to run Vista and Office 2007. Then the fun begins!


  1. My boyfriend uses Vista (and Linux, and Mac OS X... he likes computers) and he likes it alright.

    I am not a fan of Office 2007, though. It is not very user friendly. I think the kids will be very confused, and since most of them don't have it at home, teachers will need to be trained to tell kids to save files in compatibility mode. My students have had enormous troubles opening files in Office 2003 when they've been saved in 2007.

    It's too bad more people don't use Linux, being free and all. Would be good for schools.

  2. Pam, we bought a single laptop with Vista this spring and we've had lots of compatibility issues with our network. In particular, it does not like our network login script. We've done quite a bit of "tweaking" and the laptop is in the hands of a particularly strong tech-user so we get feedback from his experiences on a daily basis. We have Vista running on a couple of desktops too but the field-implementation is the source of most of the good information.

    I love Office 2007. I admit, I was a bit lost at first and had to seek assistance from the "help" area but now that I've been using it for several months I like it much better than '03. We are not upgrading our teacher and student computers to '07 yet though because of all those expensive "keyboarding" books that are written for '03 (we ought to have a big bon fire with them but I think some taxpayers might have a problem with using those tax dollars for that type of activity).

    Good luck with Vista and Office 2007! :)

  3. Brian, thanks for the tips. It's looking like our district will be switching from a Novell environment to all Microsoft this summer. So hopefully that will help. I'm happy to hear that you like Office 2007, since Shannell's comment made me nervous! I know that I'll have my work cut out for me. I will enjoy the challenge.
