Tuesday, May 29, 2007

WOW2 Chat

I was invited as a guest speaker on the weekly Women of the Web 2.0 (also known as WOW2) Chat.  For those who have never hear of WOW, you need to visit the WOW website.... and guys are welcome, too!  Every week there is a Tuesday chat that is facilitated by Cheryl Oakes, Jennifer Wagner, Sharon Peters, & Vicki Davis, four women who not only love using the tools of the Internet but also love sharing the tools with others.  I was honored to be asked to contribute to their Tuesday night chat.  They have had some well known folks on in the past - David Warlick, Will Richardson, Steve Dembo, and Leslie Fisher, to name a few.  Tonight's topic was staff development, and I shared some of the staff development I am facilitating in my district in SE Michigan - the web 2.0 usergroups and how we are using Moodle to assess 8th grade tech proficiency and also to fulfill the new Mighigan on-line learning experience.  I enjoyed the conversation and felt it was personally valuable to put my beliefs and visions on my sleeve for all to hear about. 


  1. The pleasure was ours, you were so down to earth explaining things that our people in the chat room had plenty to discuss. Thanks again,

  2. Thanks for sharing these opportunities to learn more about the future of education.

  3. It was truly a great conversation -- you really got me thinking about how professional development should be redefined.
