Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 29 Connected Educator Month: Web 2.0 Check In

You’ve spent almost a month exploring new tools, learning new terminology, experimenting with things around the Web, and participating in Con- nected Educator month activities. It’s time for a Web 2.0 check in! Write a blog post answering the following questions:
  • How has your network grown this month? This doesn’t have to just be a measurement by numbers of followers, friends, and contacts (although that can be interesting to note), but also can consider what type of connections you’ve made, and how you might connect, collaborate or build those relationships in the future.
  • What is your favorite tool or technology you discovered this month? How do you see yourself incorporating this tool into your everyday life and work?
  • Were there tools that you signed up for and never used? What do you think is the impediment to you diving right in and trying these tools?
  • Is there a tool that frustrated you? Why do you think that happened?
  • Are there any applications for the things you learned this month to make their way into your classroom?
  • Have you begun to see yourself as a connected learner? A connected educator? Why or why not?
  • What is the biggest “a-ha!” moment or realization you’ve had this month?
  • Be sure to Tweet your blog post with the hashtag #CE14 so other connected educators can check it out.
  • Do a Twitter search for #CE14 and see what others have learned.
from the Connected Educator Starter Kit

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