Monday, February 11, 2008

Meme: Passion Quilt

Pam’s goal for All Students

Derrall Garrison tagged me on a new meme, called "Passion Quilt" that originated from Miguel Guhlin.

Miguel wants to create an edublogger passion quilt, with lots of contributors; one image per person.  The image should be one that captures what we most passionately want children to learn in school...from our particular perspective.  I created my own simple drawing in PowerPoint and saved it as an image.   

Here are the 3 rules for this meme:

  • Post a picture from a source like FlickrCC or Flickr Creative Commons or make/take your own that captures what YOU are most passionate about for kids to learn about...and give your picture a short title.

  • Title your blog post "Meme: Passion Quilt" and link back to this blog entry.

  • Include links to 5 folks in your professional learning network or whom you follow on Twitter/Pownce.

The five people I am tagging from my Twitter network are:

  1. Langwitches

  2. Opening Minds

  3. Stirring Up the Dust

  4. Pam 2.0 

  5. Bett's Places

If you are too busy, or don't care for these kinds of things, it's OK to not keep it going.  :-)


  1. Wow, I am honored, but thought I should let you know have a new blog, that I am posting to now Ed Tech Place for Open Minds Just giving Edublogs a try. I struggle to blog regularly, but, miro-blogs like twitter seem to be making such an impact that I find myself following and learning everyday.

    I also have a Classroom 2.0 site each semester that my students (future teachers) use for discussion and many classroom teachers are kind enough to contribute to our discussions, we would love you to join our discussion as well--

  2. Five people I follow and learn much I really have to limit to five? OK I will follow the rules.
    1. Mrs Druff:
    2. Wesley Fryer:
    3. Chris Brogan:
    4. Jeff Utech:
    5. Vicki Davis:

    I am working on my picture and will get ti done shortly and link. I think this is going to be fun!!!

  3. Thanks for the tag, Pam - I will answer tomorrow.
